Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are my chances of getting in?
We currently have a waiting list for new enrollments; however enrollment does fluctuate. Families can apply for an enrollment spot by completing a Child Care Waiting List form and submitting it to the school office. Enrollment, the provision of services, and referrals of students shall be made without regard to race, color, religious creed, disability, ancestry, national origin, sex, or Limited English Proficiency (LEP). Admissions are made on a first-come, first-served basis, based on availability, with a preference for already enrolled families (i.e. new siblings) and full time clients.
2. Does my child have to be toilet trained?
No. We do not expect all children to be completely toilet-trained. We are more than willing to work with the children (and families) during this process. Once Upon A Time provides all diapers/pull-ups & wipes a child may need while in care at no extra charge.
3. Is your program a "preschool" or "daycare"?
We are not a "preschool" in the technical sense because we are open for a full day rather than just a few hours, nor do we simply provide "daycare." To best describe it, we are a child care center with a preschool component. You get the best of both worlds: full-time child care with snacks, lunch, and nap time, along with a developmentally appropriate learning environment. The teachers plan the curriculum by setting up various interest centers in the classroom (science; dramatic play; blocks; puzzles; art; large motor; etc.) and preparing developmentally appropriate lessons.
4. Does my child have to take a nap?
All children who are in attendance during rest time are requested to rest quietly on a cot. During this rest time, the teachers play soft music and rub students’ backs. Children who are awake after 20-30 minutes may play quietly at their mats or at a table activity while the other children continue to nap. We make every effort to accommodate children who truly need a nap as well as those who do not. All children, however, can benefit from a "rest time". Any student who feels the need to rest at another time during the day may do so. Infants and young toddlers follow individual care routines, and nap according to their own schedule.
5. How much does it cost and how often will I be billed?
Our current rates are available here. Families are billed each Wednesday for the following week’s care. Payments are due no later than Monday morning for that week of service. Many families prefer to pay monthly or bi-weekly (in advance of service), which we will happily accommodate. Checks, money orders, and cash (in an envelope with your name on it) may be placed in the golden mailbox in the hallway. We also accept credit and debit cards in the office and can set up automatic payments.
6. Do I have to pay for child care on days my child does not attend?
Once we set a schedule for your child, you will be billed for those days regardless of your child's actual attendance. If your child is normally scheduled to attend on Monday, for example, and s/he is sick that day, then yes, you will still be billed (most child care centers operate this way). We also bill for days the center is closed (Fall Prep Day, Labor Day, Fall Teacher-In-Service, Thanksgiving Day & Friday following Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Spring Teacher-In-Service, Spring Break/Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day) if it falls on your child’s usual day of attendance.
7. Do I have to schedule an appointment to visit the center?
Although families of enrolled children are welcome to visit the center at any time, prospective families should call first to schedule an appointment. This way you can be sure that someone will be available to talk with you and show you around the center.
8. Do you offer drop-in care?
Families sometimes inquire about the availability of child care for a day or a short period of time (i.e. two weeks). We do not offer this type of child care. Families can call a local the Early Learning Resource Center toll free at 800-548-2741 or 724-836-4580, to obtain a list of "temporary" child care providers.